Friday, January 17, 2014

    Two days ago i had the best adventures. In the morning, bright and early, my cousin Bobby and I went out surfing. It was my first time and i have to say, it is much more challenging than i thought it would be. He was very patient with me, i couldn't have a better instructor. Bobby says " there is something about surfing that nobody can teach...finding your method is on you.". That was so confusing at first but Im sure i will understand in time.
    Later that day, my other cousin, Brian, and I went on a Kayak trip. We went to a little beach called Batts Rock and when we got there we pulled the kayacks ashore. There are a few small caves that we explored. If only i had brought a camra, i thought the entire time.... 

1 comment:

  1. Nice time Rissa kayaking ... so different than up here in the Puget Sound where the water temp will be 45 degrees F when I go kayaking tomorrow. Batts Rock Beach on Google Maps is at,+barbados&hl=en&sll=13.136349,-59.637834&sspn=0.004435,0.008014&t=h&hnear=Batts+Rock+Beach&z=17

    Can't wait until you post photos of you standing on the board. Keep at it and it will happen.
